Leaving Neel's it was H, H, D and myself - we prepped for the down hill by rolling up our sleeves again and stayed alert for the left turn that sneaks up on you. Once we made the turn, we were on Wolf Pen - the hardest of the 3 gaps. I knew we all needed to go our own pace and just get'er done. So we did...I ended up finishing pretty strong on that gap and did not have to stop this time - woohoo! We gathered at the SAG, refueled and then H, H, D, G, and I left.
We went a pretty good pace out of Wolf Pen. We tried and failed a few times to paceline, but overall the ride was pretty pleasant and even shorter than I had remembered. We ate some snacks at the stop sign at the gas station before our third left of the day, and then headed off to Woody's. Again, we had a paceline for about 10 seconds but then it fell apart - oh well. We picked up C along the way. He was lookin' for a good time and he found one!
Woody's was even shorter than I remembered, and I wish I would have slowed down a little bit more to help out H and H but G and I were going a good pace, and i thought they were right behind me but then G broke off to go back to catch them. At that point the little "Hiker Men" sign wasn't far away and that's my signal the Gap was almost over so I just pushed on through.

After the ride, we changed and got some grub at Turner Store. Bacon Cheeseburger and sweet potato fries...yuuuuuuummmmmm!
Overall - this was a fantastic ride - and EVERYONE rode so well!! It was great to see everyone on team so happy and proud of their accomplishment!
Ride Stats:
Distance 37.9 mi
Avg Speed: 11.5 mph
Max Speed: 35 mph
Ride Time: 3:16:52
Hey Bibs, I love that you mentioned the hiker man sign!! That's the most vivid memory I have of riding the gaps:) Other than Jesus driving the school bus on Wolf Pen and Laura with a bungie cord dangling from her rear rack, bouncing off her wheel on one of those crazy steep and fast descents...eeek! Heehee. gpiglet
ReplyDeleteI was soooooo glad you told me about him!! He was my savior our first time out there...I had a moment of panic though when i first saw it "Did she said that's when the hill began or ended?"
ReplyDeleteI told all my mentees about it..."look for the hiker man! that means you're almost done!!!"