Sunday, February 20, 2011

Brookhaven Ride - Group Training - Saturday 2/20

Where did I ridehere

Ride Stats:
Total Distance: 32.69 km (20.3 mi)
Moving Time: 2:19:52
Average Moving Speed: 14.02 km/h (8.7 mi/h)
Max Speed: 44.10 km/h (27.4 mi/h)
Elevation Gain: 449 m (1471 ft)
Recorded: Sat Feb 19 08:20:35 EST 2011
Falls: 2 :-(

The Ride:
I was looking forward to this ride since I heard the weather would be 20 degrees warmer than it has been in past rides.  I decided to still wear the running tights over my bike shorts, but didn't think I'd actually need them.  Boy was I glad I had them on!! Even though it was mid 50s out, moving quickly through 50 degree weather still feels cold.  It did warm up quickly - but the start was a little tough.  About a quarter of the way through the ride I warmed up to where I actually wished I didn't have the long sleeves on.

I rode with a good group, I felt like I was both pushing and the ride was enjoyable.  The pace was good and the stops were appropriate.  After having such a good ride, I was a little disappointed at my average speed.  There  were a lot of hills, and I felt as though I had ridden well.  But oh well, I need to get in my head it's really not how fast you go, but more that you complete it and complete it well.  Execution vs Velocity.

Oh, and the falling started again - booooo.  I fell once when we were starting to go at an intersection....and the second was AT MY CAR!! The ride was essentially done, I rode to my car and I took my second spill right next to it.  My knees can't take much more of these falls - I have a bruise from the first week that is still healing!

After the ride a group of us stayed for lunch at a pizza place in the shopping center we parked at - it was delicious.  That salad and greasy slice of pepperoni pizza were heaven  :-)  It was great to get to know some new people and see my mentor Rod again!!

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